Tuesday, May 7, 2024

For its creator, 'The Owl House' on Disney is the best revenge Los Angeles Times

king from owl house

After hearing her mother accept her for who she is at heart, Luz is touched by Camila's words and tears up, finally realizing that her deepest wish is to be understood by everyone. This enables her palisman egg to hatch, and she gains Stringbean as her partner. After the initial surprise, Luz is amazed to discover that, due to King's growing powers, glyph magic can be utilized again, though different from before. Shortly after, she and everyone else watch a light show in the sky created by the Collector as a birthday present for Luz before continuing on their journey.

‘The fairy dust fades away’: Why the people who play Disneyland’s costumed characters are unionizing

After Vee goes inside, Camilla expresses her fears that she can never speak to Luz in person again as Luz explains that staying in the Demon Realm was the best decision she ever made. Upon hearing this, her mother becomes distraught and thinks she drove Luz away. As Luz apologizes, she is being pulled away and Camilla makes her promise to stay in the Human Realm. As Luz struggles with balancing building a portal and her crush on Amity, Hooty kidnaps Amity and puts her in the basement of the Owl House.

Hieronymus Bump

They find Hooty, who powers the lights, knocked to the floor and a demon standing on him. King finds a snaggleback, who is hiding in a closet after a storm started, and he is eaten by the monster. King then finds Luz hiding in Eda's room and, after finding a label that went with the elixir, they realize the monster is Eda suffering from a curse. Luz's phone falls to the ground and the flash of the camera stuns Eda as the two hide and Luz throws a pot to lure it away.


Luz apologizes and tells her everything as they meet back up with the others. When they hear the selkidomus' lair, the reward money is stolen and Luz chases after the culprit, only to learn the thief is Eda and lose the reward money. Soon, the Golden Guard arrives and threatens to kill King, who he took captive, if Luz and Eda do not slay the selkidomus. She then reveals she knows Eda is avoiding the riskier ventures because of her and Eda lists the positives that happened to her since Luz came into her life. The selkidomus approaches with its baby and Luz and Eda pretend to slay it to get King back. After the Golden Guard leaves, they tell the selkidomus to flee deeper into the sea and it vomits up selkigris, a valuable substance at the Night Market, much to Luz's disgust and Eda's joy.


Belos' plans come to fruition as he reveals he never intended to free the Collector before Luz stops him from returning to the human world by branding him with a sigil in an attempt to force him to cancel the draining spell. He is affected by the Day of Unity, as it causes him to lose control of his body and mutate into a monstrous creature that nearly kills her and her friends. His body is obliterated when King frees the Collector, who cancels the draining spell. Belos begins to melt due to the boiling rain and unsuccessfully attempts to deceive Luz into helping him again before his remains are stomped to death by Eda, King, and Raine. When Luz gets sick with the common mold, King, Eda, Hooty, and Luz's friends work to fortify the Owl House when the echo mouse projects an entry from Philip Wittebane's diary on where the find Titan's Blood, an ingredient in creating a portal.

Playing with the Collector and stopping Belos

Where to Watch The Owl House - Screen Rant

Where to Watch The Owl House.

Posted: Sun, 19 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

A strong blast of light soars into the sky, causing the sigils of every witch to glow. Eda knows that finding King will be easy, since the island is very small. He is very hurt by the fact that everyone lied to him and was so caught up in his fantasy he did not realize it. Deciding that Eda was correct that he wasn't the "king" of anything, he no longer knows what is real or fake.

Odalia Blight

After telling her mother the truth, she starts making videos to have her see the Demon Realm as she does, however, most of the clips she films fail to prove her point. As she sits in front of school waiting to be picked up as her friends come by and theorize what is behind Belos' mask. Luz says she never got a good look as Amity reveals she has been learning Spanish from a Dominican cookbook Gus gave her.

king from owl house

They soon realize that they can control the house thanks to the power of the moon, and decide to take the house on a joyride instead of returning it to its place to show off to Amity. On the way, they meet Boscha, one of Amity's friends, and begin to bother her without Boscha realizing it was them. Their journey however ends up causing the arrival to the house of Animal Control, who capture them; the three are thrown off a cliff but are held up with a branch. However, behind much of her optimism and creativity, Luz possesses deep insecurities due to the years of ostracism she endured in the Human Realm before arriving in the Boiling Isles.

Temporary Powers

In "Elsewhere and Elsewhen", Luz is shown to have become very fond of Lilith, even referring to her as a "cool aunt". While trying to find out more information about making a portal to the Human Realm, Luz asks Lilith for help in locating time pools so they can go to the Deadwardian Era in order to ask Philip Wittebane about the portal. In "Follies at the Coven Day Parade", Luz finds it sweet that Amity had been trying to learn Spanish after Amity calls her "Batata" (sweet potato). However, she becomes nervous when Amity, along with Willow and Gus, starts asking about her attempt to make a portal to the Human Realm, remembering the promise she made to her mom. Later, during her plan to kidnap Kikimora and Raine from the parade, Luz is relieved when Amity saves her and Kikimora from Terra Snapdragon, and the two fight together soon after when Kikimora double crosses them. After Amity offers to listen, Luz starts to calm down and finally opens up to her about what happened with the portal.

This quickly resolves into firm unwillingness, when Luz finds Amity's diary and tries to hide it from the twins. The twins seem disappointed in Luz for hiding Amity's diary from them and argue that Amity deserves it. However, Luz insists on not showing Amity's diary since within it are "private thoughts".

However, as the series progresses, he begins to soften and has started to lower his defenses more. In truth, he actually wants to be loved and appreciated by those around him, especially from Luz whom he has platonic feelings for. In an early design, it was shown that King's head was originally a complete skull, including his bottom jaw, with blue and pink eyes. He also had yellow-golden fur, a lighter underbelly, and a short, deer-like tail.

After realizing she can use glyphs to track the blood, she uses more light glyphs and follows where they burn brightest. However, they spend months on the attempt with all tries ending in failure and Luz blames herself. Within these months, Luz comes out as bisexual to her mother and reveals she and Amity are dating, much to her mother's joy. She would help her friends adapt to the Human Realm and show them the joys of her home. She also draws various drawings of Eda and King, missing them deeply, and glyphs in her spare time, only to discard them when they fail to work. At the factory, the twins and King separate from the main group with Gus disguising himself, Luz, Amity, Willow, and Hunter as Coven Scouts as they look for Amity's parents.

King insists that he was the king of demons and recalls vague memories of his army, feasts worthy of a ruler, and falling from a massive height as an evil hex shrank him to the small critter he is now. Hooty points out that this contradicts the story about his crown of power, which King claims was merely a test to prove Eda and Luz's loyalty, and his actual crown is still available somewhere else. King also begins developing a better grasp on trying to be more sociable as it is later revealed that he suffers stage fright. This all implies that while he was the King of Demons, he never actually spent much time around others besides Eda and Hooty.

Luz Noceda Fandom

king from owl house

Raine is captured and force to resume their place just seconds before the eclipse is in full. The draining spell is activated, and everyone present has their magic drained, including the coven heads. All the witches, including the Coven scouts try to flee, but the Abomatons have sealed off all the exits. After returning to the Owl House, Luz glues King's broken horn back on while King carves the tower's symbol onto his collar, believing it could be his name.


As Luz starts Hexside, King tags along and starts digging through the trash. As Luz is being reprimanded for supposedly studying multiple tracks by Principal Bump, he claims to not know her when she begs for help. Upon finding a classroom without a teacher, King is mistaken for the teacher and becomes captivated by the power it brings, however, he is kicked out of school by Bump at the end of the day.

10 Characters In The Owl House Who Developed The Most - CBR

10 Characters In The Owl House Who Developed The Most.

Posted: Sat, 28 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Season Three

Then he confronts Hunter, who he knows is actually Luz, and the two engage in a magic duel. In the present, Luz and Lilith are in the living room of the Owl House, researching glyph combinations in hopes of uncovering new spells. While Luz is having trouble drawing glyphs, King tries to get her attention, saying that Francois is trying to start a rebellion. After Hooty offers Lilith a cup of tea, Luz tests out her newly drawn glyph, which turns her invisible, but the spell only works as long as she holds her breath. King doesn't want to see her do it again, but Lilith is beyond impressed.


They then see Belos speaking to the Collector, revealing their plan to kill the inhabitants of the Boiling Isles with a Draining Spell. They watch as past Hunter rushes in, delivering the portal key before quickly leaving. After this, it is revealed, to both Luz and Hunter's horror, that Belos killed all the previous Golden Guards.


Hooty is so happy to see Lilith that he coughs up a letter he received for King when King first developed his sonic blasts. Thinking he could finally meet his family, King convinces Eda to let him investigate. Luz and Hooty go with him and Salty takes them to the location in the letter. One day, as Hooty is defending the house from coven scouts, Eda is making Luz a cloak of witch's wool when her curse acts up, with King and Luz needing to use multiple elixirs to get her back to normal. While Luz is on a field trip to the Emperor's Castle, Eda desires to celebrate Luz's success and King bakes a cake. After Eda learns that her sister had Luz, she leaves and he and Hooty decorate the Owl House.

Stopping the Draining Spell

Exclusive: The Collector And King Demand Pizza Bagels In New The Owl House Clip - TheGamer

Exclusive: The Collector And King Demand Pizza Bagels In New The Owl House Clip.

Posted: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

He and Hooty watch in horror as Lilith transforms and they go to inform Gwen and Luz. After learning Eda has also transformed, the sisters fight and he and Luz go into town to stop them. After Morton refuses them service, since they have no money on hand, Gwen arrives and they work to subdue the sisters and revert them to their original form.

Emperor Belos

Inside the Noceda residence, Camila is in the kitchen making soup for Vee when they both hear a knock on the door. She opens it and is shocked to find a disheveled Luz, Willow, Amity, Gus, and Hunter outside, as Luz greets her and tearfully states that she's back. The piece of Belos that landed on Hunter at the old house closes the door.

Learning of Eda's curse

Regardless, Luz does occasionally make snap decisions in efforts to try and help Willow, even when she does ask her to. In "Understanding Willow", she leaves her childhood picture of her and Amity out on display so she could come up with a scheme to make them friends again. And in "Wing It Like Witches", she challenges Boscha to a grudgby match in Willow's name after she persistently tormented her, despite Willow having never played before, and pushes her and Gus too hard in preparation. However, on both occasions, Willow acknowledges and appreciates that Luz's intentions were good and bears no ill will towards her for her efforts.

king from owl house


Unfortunately, however, since Luz failed to recognize her deepest desire, the egg would not hatch for months following its carving. This would serve to worsen Luz's newfound guilt-ridden and depressed personality upon returning to the Human Realm, believing that her own flaws had forsaken Stringbean's chances of hatching, worsening her sense of self-worthlessness. Fortunately, however, after returning to the Demon Realm and sharing a heart-to-heart discussion with her mother, Luz was finally able to realize that her heart's greatest wish was to finally be understood by others. This revelation finally resulted in Stringbean's egg hatching, with the young palisman immediately helping Luz and her friends in their mission to defeat the Belos and the Collector, much to Luz's joy.

After Luz and her companions manage to construct a working portal, she ties a rope around herself and tells Eda, King, and Hooty to pull if the portal closes. She calls her companions names and a cube comes out of the liquid on the ground. Luz looks through it and sees the three from a reflection in a second floor window. After realizing she can use the cubes to communicate through reflections by saying people's names, she says her mothers name and a cube appears. They land in a forest and Luz finds the Golden Guard's staff along with an unconscious Golden Guard out, surprised that he is a teenager, and slaps him awake.

They wait and eventually the door starts to collapse and they pull Luz out. Luz, who promised her mother she would stay in the Human Realm when she got back, lies and says her mother is excited to meet them. However, they later learn the truth and plan to help her convince Camila otherwise. As Luz teaches Eda and Lilith about glyphs, King tries to help Eda as she struggles with her idea of combining glyphs by drawing them over each other. Eventually things get out of hand and he begs Eda to ask Lilith, who excels in glyph magic, to help them. Eda is reluctant to ask for help until King becomes stuck in a chunk of ice.

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Stuart Monarchs

house of stuart

Known as the Glorious Revolution, James never fought William, instead fleeing into exile in France. Charles married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza in 1661 – Portugal was a Catholic country and this move was not widely popular at home. Compounded by the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars and a generally friendly attitude to France, Charles’ foreign policy brought him into conflict with Parliament, who were suspicious of Charles’ intentions. Charles was eventually arrested and held at Carisbrooke Castle, Hurst Castle and Windsor Castle. Parliament were keen to negotiate with the King, but following Pride’s Purge (effectively a military coup in which many Royalist sympathisers were prevented from entering Parliament), the Commons voted to indict Charles on a charge of treason. He was found guilty, and executed at Whitehall in January 1649.

house of stuart

James V of Scotland

The rape center's pediatric emergency room, open 24 hours a day, is designed to instill trust. Each child who arrives there is met and accompanied for the entire visit by a therapist and a nurse practitioner experienced at working with traumatized children. The Stuarts were the monarchy in charge during the lead up to the English Civil War and the execution of King Charles I saw a brief end of the British monarchy.

House of Stewart

Or, a fess chequy argent and azure of three rows, double tressure flory and counter-flory gules, a bend engrailed of the same. Both Mary, Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley had strong claims on the English throne through their mutual grandmother Margaret Tudor. This eventually led to the accession of the couple's only child James as King of Scotland, England, and Ireland in 1603.

Clan Stewart

The Industrial Revolution began in Stuart Britain in the 1600s, a century before the traditional date: University of ... - Down To Earth Magazine

The Industrial Revolution began in Stuart Britain in the 1600s, a century before the traditional date: University of ....

Posted: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

“The room is massive, and they gave it form and texture and weight,” Stuart notes. When he argued that the older child's injuries were the result of a chronic health condition, jurors saw photos from a follow-up medical exam that showed evidence of healing from trauma. She had made up a story, she said, because she wanted her mother to live with her real father. To try to sort out the timeline of when and where abuse took place, the Stuart House team brought the girls back in March 22 for more questions.

Oliver Cromwell and his son, Richard, were named as Lord Protector and ruled until the monarchy was restored under Charles II. His son, James II, was openly Catholic, which caused some tension with parliament and saw his daughter, Mary II being instated as monarch instead. When James’s second wife—a Catholic—bore him a son, the powerful Protestant government sent for Mary, his eldest daughter, and her husband, William of Orange. Because no blood was shed during this revolution it became known as the Glorious Revolution.

In many communities, sexually abused children and their families who seek help often have to go to as many as six different agencies in separate locations. At each agency, the child is re-interviewed by another stranger. Many of these interviews are conducted in cold, institutional settings, such as police stations and hospital ERs, by people who are not trained in “best practices” for interviewing children at different stages of development. These experiences can be intimidating to traumatized children and impede their disclosures.

We are very pleased to announce that UCLA Health has agreed to assume responsibility for the long-term support of these vital programs and, with that, the lead role in future fundraising. The Rape Foundation is distributing its assets to UCLA as endowments to support the continued operations of the Rape Treatment Center and Stuart House programs and will then dissolve. We hope that our generous supporters will continue to provide their support directly to UCLA Health. But over the years, Stuart has layered in her own flourishes and world-class antiques. “For me, it’s about creating an environment that’s cohesive,” she explains.

James was in love with Margaret Drummond of Stobshall when it was proposed to him that a marriage to Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII would improve Anglo-English relations. The untimely death of Margaret Drummond and her two beautiful sisters by poison just after the marriage was proposed, opened the way to the alliance some 18 months later. James was personally annoyed with Henry VIII, now king of England, because he had refused to send on jewellery that was part of Margaret’s marriage dowry. Publicly he was also angered because Henry had seized two Scottish ships without reason. When Henry then invaded France in 1513, the Auld Alliance was reintroduced with Louis XII of France. James invaded northern England and The Battle of Flodden was fought on 9 September 1513.

The Queen watches on with pride as Lady Louise drives Prince Philip’s carriages at Windsor Horse Show

His second wife Mary of Guise gave him two sons who died in infancy. She gave birth to Mary in the very same week as James lay dying in Falkland Palace, following a nervous collapse after defeat at the battle of Solway Moss. George of Denmark had married Anne in 1683 and the two quickly became devoted to one another. He took little part in the political intrigues that swirled during the reign of his father in law, James II, but on his wife’s accession, he was made Lord High Admiral and commander of all England’s military forces. It proved to be more a titular role and George continued as a steadfast support to his wife. Whilst William was away on military campaigns, Mary proved herself a firm and relatively adept ruler.

She is patient, tailoring her approach to each child's age and developmental stage. Somoza dropped his wife off at the laundromat and returned to their apartment to watch over their three little ones and her two daughters. LAPD Det. Supervisor Moses Castillo had worked the case from Day One.

One hundred forty beds, which is proposed for this project, is more than three times that. "It's not a locked facility, so they can leave at any time," Ferrara said. "When they do, they don't have money, they don't have ID, they don't have cell phones, and my concern is that they’re going to find a fix. And what do they do to find that fix? They’re going to steal, they’re going to beg." A representative for the project told Hussey we would receive a response, but as of Friday, we're still waiting to hear back from them. Snyder said Nance told deputies he came here to be treated at a detox facility but found himself on the street. Also found in the primary suite is access to the outdoor terrace overlooking the pool, with plenty of room for lounging.

Mary died of smallpox in 1694, and William ruled Britain alone for the next eight years. During the civil war, Charles’s son, Charles II, had to flee from England. He spent years in exile, but he was restored to the British throne in 1660. The House of Stewart, or Stuart, is a royal house of Scotland and England.The Tudor dynasty ended when Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603. He became James I of England, and started the Stuart dynasty.

The 6 Kings and Queens of the Stuart Dynasty In Order

house of stuart

Mary, Queen of Scots (r. 1542–1567), was brought up in France where she adopted the French spelling of the name Stuart. In 1986, Abarbanel and attorney Aileen Adams, the first counsel for the Rape Treatment Center, created Stuart House. Before that, the treatment of child victims, even more so than adults, was egregious. Kids who disclosed abuse were ferried around to five or six different agencies, interviewed and re-interviewed by a succession of adult strangers.

A day in the life of... Stuart Ingram, House of Elrick - The Gin Cooperative

A day in the life of... Stuart Ingram, House of Elrick.

Posted: Tue, 12 Mar 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The 6 Kings and Queens of the Stuart Dynasty In Order

She largely left affairs of state in the hands of the government. The first Stuart king, James I, believed that kings were appointed by God and that their authority could therefore not be challenged by anyone. In 1605 a group of Catholics failed in an attempt to kill the king in the Gunpowder Plot.

What is the Order of the Companions of Honour - the new distinction given by King Charles to the Princess of Wales?

The accession of James, created the Union of the Crowns which aligned the two states of England (including Wales and Ireland) and Scotland at least for the purposes of diplomacy and installed the Royal House of Stuart south of the border. For the first time the title King of Great Britain was introduced, though it had no basis in law until 1707 with the Act of Union. Queen Anne, who reigned for 12 years saw the British monarchy up until the Acts of the Union, which officially joined the Kingdoms of England and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain.

James II of England

house of stuart

“It’s just a period and an aesthetic that I have a real passion and enthusiasm for,” says Stuart, who has been working with the clients on this property “on and off” for 15 years. The younger girl sat stiffly, shoulders high, bangs a curtain over one of her eyes. She described being taken at times in the past to an outside building, where her stepfather sodomized her.

James was particularly keen on the new weapon of war, the cannon, and at the Siege of Roxburgh Castle where cannons were used for the first time it was ironic that one of them blew him up as he stood close by watching. James I was born on 25 July 1394 in Dunfermline and became king at the age of 12. In an attempt to keep James away from his uncle, the Duke of Albany, James was sent to France on his accession in 1406. Unfortunately his ship was captured by the English and James was taken prisoner and handed over to Henry IV. He was held prisoner for 18 years before finally taking control of Scotland in 1424. The Duke of Albany remained in charge of Scotland as Governor until his death in 1420 when he was succeeded by his son Murdoch.

This action brought about the beginning of the next Dynasty of the Royal House of Orange. After the death of James I, his son Charles, succeeded him in 1625. Charles followed in the beliefs and actions of his father and further antagonised Parliament forcing it in 1628 to issue the Petition of Right, a major constitutional document.

The Queen watches on with pride as Lady Louise drives Prince Philip’s carriages at Windsor Horse Show

The idea was to empower victims, to make them feel safe and heard and supported. A Los Angeles native, Abarbanel began her career as a social worker in Santa Monica. She had no particular interest in rape victims, but in the early 1970s, she was asked to see a young woman who had been hospitalized after a suicide attempt. Less than a week earlier, it turned out, the young woman had been raped by a stranger on the beach. Their stepfather had sent messages, promising to buy them things when he got out of jail. Their family dog had been banished to a cage outside, and they could hear it crying throughout the night.

Royal House of Stuart

There was a lack of specialized forensic care, and very little specialized therapy. At Stuart House, children receive specialized pediatric forensic exams and extensive medical and therapeutic support. In 1994, the young woman who told her terrible story was the 24-year-old granddaughter of a famous movie producer. When she was 12, her father fired the family nanny and began raping her at night. By the end of high school, after she had gathered the courage to leave home and reveal the abuse, she found solace at Stuart House, the Rape Treatment Center’s extraordinary refuge for children who have been sexually abused.

Lawsuit against Kevin de León could be dismissed next month, judge rules

A keen patron of the arts and sciences, theatres re-opened and a golden age of bawdy Restoration comedies flourished. Charles died aged 54, with no legitimate children, leaving the crown to his brother James. Charles II was restored to the English throne in 1660, and he was popularly nicknamed the Merry Monarch for his hedonistic court and decadent lifestyle. Beyond his penchant for luxury and his many mistresses, Charles also proved a relatively adept monarch. The direct male line terminated with the death of James V in 1542.

Or, a fess chequy argent and azure of three rows in chief a mullet argent, double tressure flory and counter-flory gules. Or, a fess chequy argent and azure of three rows, within a double tressure flory and counter-flory gules. The family can be traced back to 11th-century Brittany, where for at least four generations they were stewards to the counts of Dol. In the early 12th century they appeared in England, and Walter, third son of the 4th steward of Dol, entered the service of David I, king of Scots, and was later appointed his steward, an office that was confirmed to his family by King Malcolm IV in 1157.

Then he sentenced Somoza to the maximum 65 years to life for sexually assaulting his 7- and 8-year-old stepdaughters. The House of Stuart is a noble family of Scottish origin that eventually became monarchs of Scotland, England, Ireland, and Great Britain. The desire to impose Anglican conformity on the Presbyterian Scots by the Archbishop of Canterbury – William Laud,  eventually led to the English Civil War. Charles prepared to move an army into Scotland in 1638 to create a settlement to this religious dispute with the Scots. But he was then compelled to recall Parliament after failing to crush the rebellion in Scotland. This was short lived after not getting the required support he again dissolved it, only to be forced into recalling it again a few months later in what was to be known as the notorious Long Parliament which remained until 1660.

It was interrupted in 1649 by the establishment of the Commonwealth but was restored in 1660. It ended in 1714, when the British crown passed to the house of Hanover. Round provided a family tree[7] to embody his essential findings, which is adapted below.

The birth of their son, later James V, brought the House of Stewart into the line of descent of the House of Tudor, and the English throne. Margaret Tudor later married Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus, and their daughter, Margaret Douglas, was the mother of Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. In 1565, Darnley married his half-cousin Mary, Queen of Scots, the daughter of James V. Darnley's father was Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of Lennox, a member of the Stewart of Darnley branch of the House. Lennox was a descendant of Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland, also descended from James II, being Mary's heir presumptive. Thus Darnley was also related to Mary on his father's side and because of this connection, Mary's heirs remained part of the House of Stuart.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

The 8 most historic real haunted houses in N J. nj.com

haunted house nj

It is well known for being one of the most beautiful places in the state, but it also has a darker side and is one of the most haunted places in New Jersey. Allegedly, two of the boys in the group died under unexplained circumstances that night, but it is difficult to find documented evidence of this. However, things tool a tragic turn one night when some rowdy, drunk teens were making fun of the dead boy and issued him a challenge.

haunted house nj

Brighton Asylum

Prosecutors shared what Smith said with Fran’s family but didn’t reveal the details publicly, according to the statement. The discovery haunted the sibling for years, Hilland recalled, but he hadn’t come forward because his grandfather had asked him to stay silent. When Fran disappeared, authorities discovered that Smith had a long-time girlfriend — an HR manager he’d met while applying for a job — living at a Connecticut beach house he owned. Frank Barre, a detective with the Milford Police Department who began assisting in the investigation, recalled that the girlfriend didn’t know that Smith had been married twice.


With this project we give out hundreds of toys each year to support over 100 local families. The massive 100-acre park, the largest Halloween park in New Jersey, is inhabited by zombies, attack dogs, chainsaw-wielding maniacs and killer clowns. No such results of an investigation can be found to date. Reenactor Kurt Epps plays colonial governor William Franklin during a portrayal of the historical figure's arrest at the Proprietary House in Perth Amboy. Sightings have included a little boy wearing period clothing and a woman dressed in blue along with Civil War artifacts that were not listed in the museum's inventory.

Area Youth Ministry Bergen County STEM Camp 2024

The many unthinkable events that took place between the mid 1940’s and 1952, are still waiting to be fully uncovered. Brighton’s industrial complex, a series of old and decrepit warehouses, was used for housing mentally unstable and psychologically damaged individuals back in the mid 1940’s. Many of these patients were quite violent, and often needed to be isolated for staff and patient protection.

While it’s a wonderful example of Georgian period architecture, Shippen Manor has fallen into some disrepair — and multiple ghost sightings have been reported. Guests claim to have seen a woman in a blue dress, a young boy, and a colonial soldier on the property. Judge for yourself on a 45-minute guided “ghost walk” through historic Cold Spring Village. The tour is hosted by a professional psychic medium, who recounts the long history of unexplained phenomena by Cape May residents. If there’s one NJ historic site that’s plausibly haunted, it’s Parsonage House. Two murders of innocent civilians (including a Presbyterian minister), and an act of arson by British soldiers?

Escape Rooms

The haunted houses that topped our list are not for the faint of heart. New Jersey’s haunted history extends well beyond historic mansions and old estates. NJ’s collection of ghost towns — many of which remain as ruins in state parks and forests — are magnets for ghost hunters and visitors looking for a thrill.

He was sent to prison in 1776 and had to flee to England. Heavy footsteps have been heard at the house; Macken wonders if it's Gov. Franklin thinking about his decision. Civil War reenactors at the Historic Village at Allaire in Farmingdale. The former home of the Howell Iron Works owned by James Allaire, the site became a full-fledged community with houses, a church, school and post office. Now the site of a living history museum, Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May includes the Dennisville Inn, an 1836 structure that began hosting Baptist church meetings in 1870. The bedrooms upstairs became a place where runaway slaves took refuge before and after the Civil War.

Bloodshed Farms Drive-Thru is located at 2919 Route 206,Columbus NJ

There have been several attempts to demolish the tower, but each time one or more of the construction workers ended up dying in fall-related accidents and so the tower remains standing. New Jersey is one of the most beautiful states with many stunning parks and breathtaking beaches to enjoy. All of the proceeds from this event go back into a project we call Project Gift. This community service project provides gifts and toys to families in need in our surrounding communities for no charge to them during the holidays.

haunted house nj

The Hayride of Horrors & Haunted House

Brighton Asylum is New Jersey’s most visited Halloween destination for over 13 years now. Whether you’re here for the scares, or just for snacks and selfies, New Jersey’s Legendary Brighton Asylum is the ultimate Halloween destination. New Jersey’s legendary Brighton Asylum has been rated as the #1 haunted attraction in New Jersey by more news outlets than any other haunted house in New Jersey. Halloween event list including haunted houses, corn mazes, hayrides, spookwalks, home haunts, and more. So, whether you want to visit an ancient farmhouse, a scary asylum, or haunted woods, here is a list of haunted houses in NJ. Cape May’s Emlen Physick Estate may be NJ’s most famous haunted house — it’s been featured by local news outlets across the country.

The story of Dr. Emlen Physick, his aunt and his estate are Cape May’s greatest urban legend. Test your luck this St. Patrick’s Day weekend at New Jersey’s legendary haunted house, Brighton Asylum. You don’t have to be Irish to attend this one-of-a-kind haunted attraction, but you may wish you had a bit of that old Irish luck on your side as you navigate New Jersey’s scariest haunted house. Fair warning, these are not your run-of-the-mill spooky spots.

When a TV crew visited the home to film a commercial, objects reportedly began flying off the shelves and someone or something began hiding items in the house. New Jersey’s go-to source for real estate and community development news. The Manor’s curator reported sounds of doors opening and closing, as well as Civil War artifacts appearing in the house unexpectedly. Visitors to Ringwood Manor report cold, unsettled feelings in the living and common areas of the home. There have been sightings of an old man wandering the perimeter of the mansion — perhaps Peter Hasenclever surveying what became of his former home.

Check out these haunted bars and restaurants around New Jersey - New Jersey 101.5 FM

Check out these haunted bars and restaurants around New Jersey.

Posted: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

You need to arrive to the event site within the entrance time chosen. You will get a 5 minute window before and after your 30 minute entrance time slot. If you arrive to far in advance of your entry time you may be asked to leave and return at the proper time.

After Allaire died in 1858, the town was renamed Allaire. Macken writes that psychics often pick up on a "nasty, angry man who wears boots" at the site. One actor told Macken that she was near the Spicer Leaming House, which was built in 1820, when she saw a girl looking out of an upstairs window, who she assumed to be a new addition to the staff. The actor says she has felt something tugging on her dress. After Stanley Klos bought the home in the 1980s, he found an operating room from the 1940s upstairs, complete with scalpels, since the house functioned as a local hospital from 1929 to 1952. Elijah Rosencrantz, a doctor, bought the home in 1807 and his family later commissioned a Gothic Revival overhaul of the house.

Fall Attractions at Brighton Asylum Haunted House New Jersey

haunted house nj

Reports of supernatural activities aren’t all human at Emlen Physick Estate. Not only have visitors seen the ghost of Dr. Physick’s aunt Emily, many claim to have interacted with ghost dogs. The Physick Estate is the center of Cape May’s paranormal investigation community, and regularly conducts seances, ghost tours and spooky walkthroughs of the Victorian estate. New Jersey’s historic homes play host to Halloween events like seances and ghost tours. But mediums and paranormal investigators claim there are real, unexplained phenomena happening at these locations.

Brighton Asylum: The Bleeding Grounds

The Asbury Park Press wrote a story on apparitions and screams being reported on the property. Like Caldwell Parsonage House, this site of murdered Revolutionary War soldiers is steeped in rumors, legends, and supernatural sightings. These are 12 New Jersey estates with a history of ghost sightings and reports of paranormal activity? Reports of ghost sightings and haunted objects at these estates date back to the Revolutionary War era in towns like Ho-Ho-Kus and Perth Amboy.

Scare Farm at Norz Hill Farm

"What intrigues me, after years of writing ghost books — and this holds true across the board — are the villages," she says — Smithville, Cold Spring and Allaire among them. Sign up for the best activities, events + exclusive offers from our partners. Charissa is a mom to two teenage girls and one very pampered pup. A lover of good books, strong coffee and bad puns, she has worked in publishing for 20+ years as a writer and copy editor.

haunted house nj

Burlington County Prison, Mount Holly

More specifically, we are a lifestyle and tourism website showcasing all the things that make our state so great. Every time you visit Best of NJ, you'll find stories, events, and businesses that highlight and exemplify Garden State greatness. From our Original Series spotlighting NJ Vocabulary and Historic Landmarks, to our Statewide Events Calendar; to our Business Directory full of the best local eateries, entertainment and services. We are your one-stop shop for where to go, what to do, and why New Jersey is the best! For more Best of NJ content, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or sign up for our Weekly Newsletter.

Built in 1893, Strauss Mansion was the beautiful summer home of Adolf Strauss. This 21-room estate built on a hill overlooking Sandy Hook Bay was considered one of the area’s most gorgeous homes, thanks to its Queen Anne design and stunning bayside views. In the 1980s, a resident of the Stephen Crane House alleged to be haunted by spirits. She suffered from bouts of mental illness and covered all available wall space within the home with angry rants, random writings and the phone numbers of politicians. You can see a portion of her ranting remains on one of the house’s walls to this day.

You Cannot Wake from This Nightmare

haunted house nj

The most violent patients were housed in the main central building, most commonly referred to as Brighton Asylum. Minimal risk patients were housed in building B, located adjacent to Brighton Asylum and not accessible to the public. This tunnel was also used for medical deliveries to other buildings, and to keep prying eyes of the public away from seeing what was going on inside Brighton Asylum. The tunnel is accessible via Brighton’s own private subway system.

BOO! Are you brave enough? Brookdale's Haunted House rated BEST IN NJ! Local Halloween fright and fun! - TAPinto.net

BOO! Are you brave enough? Brookdale's Haunted House rated BEST IN NJ! Local Halloween fright and fun!.

Posted: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Eventually, the property was destroyed by fire and reconstructed as the Brighton House hotel. But the ghosts of the Revolutionary War era seem to continue haunting the halls of the building — the Proprietary House grounds are home to a wide variety of ghost sightings. Beyond its mysterious history, the Physick Estate is also a wonderful center of arts and culture for Cape May County residents. It was saved from demolition in 1970 by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts and Humanities, which uses the estate as its current headquarters. Rev. Caldwell was despised by the British for his reputation as the “Fighting Parson” among locals. The modern-day Union County seal bears a depiction of Hannah Caldwell’s murder, and the family name now adorns the town of Caldwell itself.

Brighton Asylum

His writing career began as a teenager in Asbury Park — Stephen wrote his first short story and poems at what is now the Stephen Crane House. You likely know Stephen Crane as the author of The Red Badge of Courage and other novels and poems. But did you know Crane was born in Newark and lived in Asbury Park as a child? He also died incredibly young of tuberculosis — at the age of 28.


A mysterious fire, a dubious Revolutionary War shooting, and an infamous murder — Parsonage House in Caldwell has all the hallmarks of a haunted estate. Newly minted Oscar winner Da'Vine Joy Randolph will join in the weekend festivities as another of ABC News' A-list guests. Fresh off a successful award season for her supporting role in The Holdovers, Randolph, 37, is one of the most exciting names in Hollywood right now. For the 2024 WHCD on Saturday, April 27, SNL's Colin Jost was tapped to deliver the roast of President Joe Biden — and he'll have plenty of entertainment peers in the room watching. Aside from the president, vice president, first lady, second gentleman and all your favorite news anchors, here are the biggest stars attending this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Please do NOT ride in the bed of the truck while travelling to and from our location. It is thought that the animals could have a rational explanation. The nearby Jungle Habitat attraction was closed in 1976 and many animals were apparently released into the woods where they may have crossbred with native species. Other unexplained occurrences that have been reported include a ghostly Camaro driven by a female spirit, two park rangers who died on the job back in the 1930s, and several unexplained animals.

A. A little rain won’t stop the show but if we feel the weather may create hazardous driving conditions or put our staff at risk we will not open. The website and Facebook page will post closings by 5pm EST the day of the event. If you have a ticket purchased for a night we close, your ticket can be transferred to another night.

As time passed, the lore around these sightings turned into legend — but the reports didn’t stop in modern times. Many of NJ’s historic homes, mansions and estates have a record of ghost sightings and supernatural events. TICKET INFO – Tickets purchased are good for 1 vehicle and all passengers inside.

During the fall we also have many family activities such as pick your own pumpkins, hayrides, farm tours, a corn maze and even a haunted trail. (Plan your arrival time accordingly.) When selecting this, you're selecting an Escape Room or Hatchet time and must be at those attractions at that time. All tickets purchase at the door will be general admission, so it is best to buy your tickets ahead of time.

Security Staff will be positioned through the drive and failing to observe any of these rules will result in an immediate vehicle escorted exit of the course. Above Brighton Asylum on the second floor is the staff quarters, where most of the resident staff lived while on duty. The quarters were home to many nurses, doctors, orderlies, administrators, in-house lab technicians, and more. There were rumors of  bizarre gatherings, parties, even experiments taking place in these Victorian style quarters, sitting quietly above the more heavily populated Brighton Asylum. In fact, such horrific acts were reported to have taken place there, the quarters were eventually dubbed, “The Bleeding Grounds”.

If you arrive later than your entry time you may be refused admittance to the event with no refund given. From the safety of your own vehicle, you will have frightening encounters with twisted creatures and menacing characters as you journey through theatrical sets full of nightmarish displays and special effects. “With a name as quaint and pleasant as Creamy Acres Farm in Mullica Hill, you wouldn’t expect one of the Northeast’s scariest destinations. But that’s where you’ll find Night of Terror, a complex of a half-dozen frightening attractions and named one of HGTV’s Scariest Haunted Houses. Join us at the Hayride of Horrors and Haunted House for a fun frightful night.

Stopping your vehicle may result in an immediate escorted exit of the course. We recommend no more than the number of passengers that you have seatbelts in your vehicle. For EVERY passenger OVER FIVE you will need an “extra guest pass”. VEHICLE SIZE AND TYPE RESTRICTIONS – Bicycles, Motorcycles, ATVS, Buses, Box Trucks, Limos, Tractors, Heavy Equipment Trucks, or Any vehicle over 7 feet tall, are not permitted. Riders are NOT allowed on the back of open bed vehicles.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Oakland, CA Youth Homeless Shelter

covenent house

Being able to motivate young people to believe they deserve more in life, is just one part of the job that brings her and her staff joy. He said he hopes to present the findings of the 11 pilot programs to Congress after three years to help facilitate more funding for homeless youth nationwide. For just $19 a month, you make the difference to youth facing homelessness. You can make a difference in the lives of youth overcoming homelessness by donating your time and money to Covenant House. Sleep Out is your opportunity to spend a night outside and raise critical funds and awareness about the youth homelessness crisis.

Houston approves sale of alley as Covenant House construction advances - Community Impact

Houston approves sale of alley as Covenant House construction advances.

Posted: Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Your Support is the Key to their Success!

covenent house

Unlike many volunteer opportunities, we want you to do what you love to do… just do it with our youth, either individually or with a group of your friends or co-workers. Covenant House is nationally recognized for the innovative work we do to provide young people with everything they need in one place — so they can move forward to a brighter future. Tennessee isn’t the only state to approve legislation allowing teachers to carry guns. According to the Giffords Law Center, a gun violence prevention group, at least 26 states have laws permitting teachers or other school employees to possess guns on school grounds, with some exceptions.

Is Covenant House a highly rated charity?

Covenant House California is committed to maintaining a Board of Directors, Leadership and Staff that reflect the agency’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; and that represents the youth and community we serve. And, we urge our partners, vendors, and supporters to make the same commitment. Mia joined the board of Covenant House California in 2019, and serves as the Chair of CHC’s Finance Committee. “Seeing how far a youth has come is the most exciting part of the future of our youth.”, says Ashley.

Chief Marketing Officer, Tao Group Hospitality

This year Covenant House California provided 83,329 nights of housing for young people experiencing homelessness in California. She served as the co-chair for the Global Enterprise Segment Culture team focused on programs that drove employee recruitment, recognition, retention. For the last 7 years, she’s successfully led the global give back effort that resulted in Cisco being awarded the top fundraising team and “Partner of the Year” for 4 years in a row.

Search this collection of nationwide shelters and service organizations helping those in need. If you or a friend are a young person on the streets or are in danger in any way, Covenant House can provide immediate assistance. Covenant House California addresses homelessness when it begins – in young adulthood, when HOPE and possibility are still strong. We EMPOWER youth to harness their strengths, that they may leave homelessness behind for good.

Young people in Oakland can access short-term emergency care through CHC’s street outreach, wellness center, and emergency shelter programs. We also provide longer-term support through our transitional housing program, Rights of Passage, and our supportive apartment program. Every year, millions of young people experience homelessness across the United States, Canada, and Latin America. We are committed to serving youth facing homelessness and survivors of human trafficking in the most effective ways possible. Of those 564 youth, 73% exited the program to stable housing, and 69% were employed or enrolled in school when they left the program. In Hollywood, CHC’s Safe Haven shelter immediately provides for youths’ basic human needs and urgent medical care.

Dreamcatcher Youth Services

Young people receive a nutritious meal, take a shower with new personal care products, receive new clothes, and sleep in a warm, safe bed. Eddie, once a homeless youth deeply entrenched in the Child Welfare system, initially struggled to adapt after arriving at our facility, CHC. Tormented by guilt over leaving his family on the streets and skeptical of adult support, Eddie remained withdrawn. He has built trusting relationships with staff and peers, completed job training programs, obtained forklift certification and a security guard card, and is now employed full-time.

He was succeeded by Sister Mary Rose McGeady, D.C., who served from 1990 to 2003. Patricia A. Cruise resigned her position as president of Covenant House International in 2008. Kevin Ryan, formerly the Child Advocate of New Jersey, became president in 2009, and retired from the position on February 12, 2023. William “Bill” Bedrossian, former CEO of Covenant House California, became CEO & president of Covenant House International on February 13, 2023. In the late 1960s, the Reverend Bruce Ritter, a Franciscan priest, retired from his job as a professor at Manhattan College to begin a new ministry serving the city's poor.

In 1976, Father Ritter announced plans to create a multi-service center near the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Covenant House then acquired a group of buildings on West 44th Street and moved its administrative offices to the new location, which moved into a retrofitted cluster of buildings on West 41st Street in 1979. Covenant House California (CHC) is a non-profit youth shelter that provides sanctuary and support for youth experiencing homelessness, ages 18-24. Lend your voice and advocate for the rights of youth facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking.

As part of the organization, Pardasani was part of the team that launched Catch in New York City and while overseeing the group's programming, live entertainment and experiential marketing initiatives. Prior to joining Tao Group Hospitality, he moved to Las Vegas in 2013 and was Executive Director of Nightlife Marketing for Hakkasan Group overseeing the development of the Hakkasan and Omnia brands. Pardasani is an active member of the community and serves on the Board of Directors for Covenant House, which is focused on serving and protecting homeless youth. He graduated from NYU’s Stern School of Business with a degree in Marketing & International Business and currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.

covenent house

Our Safe Haven program staff instantly surrounded her with love, gave her a warm meal and clean clothes, and provided her with a bed to make her feel safe. Throughout this quiet time, she began to believe in herself and focused on finding her way. With the help of some of our staff, she found a job as an in-home health aid and ended up unselfishly helping a patient who was COVID-19 positive. While quarantined at the Cov, Zuri was determined, now more than ever, to work hard and move out on her own. Guiding her was one of our Rapid Re-housing Case Managers who successfully found and helped Zuri move into her very first apartment! Today, Zuri has a steady job in the health industry, a safe place to call home, and overwhelming pride in herself.

She holds a bachelor of commerce and a graduate degree in accountancy, both from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and is a certified public accountant. Her family includes her husband of 22 years, two children, 5 dogs, many cats, and various other rescued creatures. She is an avid photographer, loves hiking along the California coast, and is a huge San Jose Sharks hockey fan. In January 2023, Rachael joined the Global Employee Relations organization to lead the Communications, Employee Experience, and Infrastructure team. Please reach out to Heather Flynn to see how your company can partner with CHC, while dramatically improving the lives of young people overcoming homelessness. From individuals, to companies, to faith-based organizations, Covenant House needs your help!

With a safe and stable place to live in transitional housing, young people are free to work on the skills and abilities that will ensure their path to independence. Your Support is the bridge from homelessness to hope – meeting basic needs such as housing, food, physical & mental health care! Your support also enables CHC to provide youth with life skills, career and education support – providing youth overcoming homelessness with the best chance for success in independence.

Four men came forward publicly claiming to have been in sexual relationships with Ritter for years, including multiple who stated the relationships started when they were minors receiving services through Covenant House. A report later prepared for Covenant House counted a total of 15 reported cases of sexual acts between Ritter and youth and young adults who were living or volunteering at the shelter. Despite having a board of directors, Covenant House's public face has tended to be its presidents. Father Bruce Ritter founded Covenant House and served as president from 1972 to his resignation in 1990.

"They provided me with immediate services and helped me to understand how to navigate my life. Before I was living in stress and fear." For just $19 per month, you can provide meals, shelter and love to youth who sleep at a Covenant House each night. Our Donor Care team is available to answer any general inquiries about Covenant House programs, policies, donations, and our fundraising work. Complete this short form to receive a customized action plan to support this critical piece of legislation to prevent and end homelessness. Under the legislation, faculty and staff members who wish to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds would need to complete a minimum of 40 hours of approved training specific to school policing each year.

Throughout the late 1970s, Covenant House expanded its social service programs in New York City and began to branch out to other cities in 1980. If you or a friend are a young person on the streets or are in danger in any way, Covenant House California can provide immediate assistance. The reasons behind homelessness are multifaceted, and the most at-risk individuals within our communities are often the most vulnerable youths. As many as 4.2 million young people will experience a period of homelessness this year in the U.S. alone.

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